Monday, January 5, 2009


Franklin T. Rockworth held his first press conference this weekend in Franktown. It was so cool to see the awesome press room and hear from the mayor. The big news was the story of the "undefineds" that the mayor shared. As the "star" reporter in Franktown I have posted the mayor's story below.

The story of the Undefineds
told by Franklin T. Rockworth, Mayor of Franktown.

One day a long time ago a bear named Ed was playing in the forest, right where Franktown is today. But back then Franktown had not been built yet, it was just a forest. Ed was sitting by a tree playing his guitar when all of a sudden a magic hamster appeared out of nowhere! The magic hamster's name was Foojy and Foojy was not a nice hamster. Foojy took Ed's guitar away from him and said you can't have it back until you answer three questions!! Ed really wanted his guitar back so he said OK. The first question he asked Ed was - what is your favorite color? Ed thought, this is so easy and said Orange! Foojy said you are right. The second question he asked Ed was - what do you use a guitar for? Ed thought this is easy too and answered - You use a guitar to make music! And he was of course right. That left one final question he had to answer to get his guitar back from Foojy. Foojy then asked Ed - What is music? Ed thought, wow - because he knew what music was but he wasn't sure how to answer the question. Foojy said - you must answer me now or I will cast a spell on you! So Ed thought really hard - what is do I answer that question. Foojy started to get mad and said you have 10 seconds to answer or else! So Ed said, Mr. Foojy, I know what music is but I just am not sure how to describe it. Foojy said..too late and cast a spell on Ed. He told Ed since he couldn't define music that he would be undefined! So now Ed is invisible and he walks around Franktown looking for Foojy because he has finally learned the definition of music. If he can find Foojy and answer the question then he can be free! So be nice to Ed - he has had a rough life.

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